Sunday, July 18, 2010

Year Two... here we go!

My second year at St. Mary's for my M.A. in Philanthropy and Development begins today. I am sitting in a Starbucks in Rochester, MN awaiting the shuttle to take me to campus for two weeks of unadulterated philanthropology. Oh how the fire in my belly is starting to ignite just thinking about it. Around April of last year, I decided that if I didn't jump in full force and just go back to school, I wouldn't do it at all. I had to ship and ship fast. The following 2.5 months were a whirlwind to get ready for my first year. I was nervous, unsure, curious, excited, but most of all a sponge, ready to soak it all in. I decided that for the first time in a long time that I needed to be the student. I didn't have to be right, know everything, figure it all out. Ahhhh.... so nice! I loved the idea of leaving my consultant hat at the door and walking into the first class me, just me and nothing else. I wasn't here for my firm or for anyone but me, and it was the very best decision I could have made. What I learned from my cohort mates and instructors is indescribable. I was pushed to think far beyond where my mind usually takes me and was humbled by all that I didn't know. While I was aware that there was SO much to learn, I don't think I quite realized how narrowly focused I had been for so long... my doors were blown wide open!

And so here I sit, in anticipation of year two. I can't wait to see everyone, to push and be pushed, to explore and learn and teach and share all over again. There is no doubt the fire in my belly will be burning again after these two weeks, but I feel better prepared for it this go round. I am not as nervous, but nervous still. I am not overwhelmed, but more open to everything there is to learn and understand. Most of all, I am ready for the tremendous growth to which I will give myself over. It is amazing how much has changed over the past year, and at the same time, how much is exactly the same. Let the learning commence!

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